Shandong Airlines (SDA) in Hangzhou, China

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Shandong Airlines (SDA) in Hangzhou, China

Shandong Airlines Co,.Ltd. is an airline based in the Shandong Airlines Center in Jinan, Shandong, China.It was established on 1994. The Chinese carrier operates mainly domestic trunk routes from Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai to major cities in China. It is owned by Air China and holds a 10 percent stake in Sichuan Airlines.

Shandong Airlines Hangzhou, China Address:
 Binjiang Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Building 1506 Yinfeng Building, Room 1406B
Zip 310000

 Market : 0571-87553747

Booking service customer care number: 95369 turn 9

Leader phone: 18605316790

For any queries on insurance, call 95511-5 Email:

Customer care Fax number: 0531-85698767

Working hours

Shandong Airlines Official website:

Shandong Airlines Online Check-in: www.Shandong check-in

Check Shandong Airlines schedule herewww.Shandong schedule

Check Shandong Airlines flight status here: www.Shandong status

Shandong Airlines Baggage Allowance

Shandong Airlines Baggage

View Shandong Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.

Travel during pregnancy in Shandong Airlines

Expectant mothers can travel upto 32 weeks. After 33 weeks, medical certificate is required (this document should be valid within 7 days prior to boarding).

Near-by Airports:

Attractions in China:

Types of Planes / Air craft available with Shandong Airlines

Total fleet: 112

Boeing 737

  • Boeing 737-300
  • Boeing 737-700
  • Boeing 737-800

Canadair CRJ-100 Series

  • Canadair CRJ-200

Canadair CRJ-700

  • Canadair CRJ-700

Saab 340

  • Saab 340

Queries handled by Shandong Airlines Customer service:

Flight Ticket Booking, Ticket Cancellation, Flight Ticket Rescheduling, Ok to Board, Visa Services, Online Check-in, Baggage Allowance, Duty Free Allowance, Flight Information, Airport Lounges, Visa Information, In-Flight Meals, Airport Transfers, Missing Luggage, Immigration Services, Valet Parking, Meet and Greet, Flight Wifi, Airport Wifi, In-Flight Entertainment, Airport Facilities, Delayed Flights, Visa on Arrival, First Class, Business Class, Economy Class, Phoenix Miles

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