Yemenia Airways Washington, USA Address:
5th Ave
Phone number: Email id: Fax: 718-923-020
Business hours
Yemenia Airways Official website:
Yemenia Airways Flight schedule:
Yemenia Airways Call Center number
Yemenia Airways customer support email | phone number
For any booking queries or holiday packages or visa information or any queries, please contact Yemenia Airways call center at 009671-232380/1/2, extensions 1553/1554/1885 or 1886, 1-844-869-8462, 009671454444, +967232380/1,2,3,4,5,6
For reservations and inquiries at Yemenia Airways, please call 01250800
Yemenia Airways Helpdesk Email:,,
If you have a question, concern, request or compliment, please email to
Yemenia Airways Sales helpdesk: 009671454444 Or 009671500600
Yemenia Airways help Desk operating hours:
SAT – WED : 01:25 08:00 [09:00 to 13:00] SAT-WED: 01:50 06:00[09:00 to 13:00+16:00 to 20:00] THU – FRI : [09:00 to 12:00+ 17:00 to 20:00]
Yemenia Airways Cargo Contact
Phone: 01441247
List of Yemenia Airways cargo office around the world
Yemenia Airways In-flight meals:
Yemenia Airways Baggage Allowance
View Yemenia Airways baggage details in the above link.
Near-by Airports:
Near by Yemenia Airways office in USA:
View the nearest Yemenia Airways offices in USA and the address, phone number, website and more.
View the Yemenia Airways offices address, phone number, email through the above link.
Yemenia Airways flight to Dubai, Aden, Riyan, Malaysia, Indonesia
Yemenia offers weekly 5 flights from Dubai to Sana’a, 1 flight a week to Aden, 1 flight a week to Riyan, 2 flights a week to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Jakarta, Indonesia.