Category | General allowance (including Panorama Club Temporary / Classic) | Panorama Premium cardholders |
Hand Baggage Only | No checked baggage (0 PC) | No checked baggage (0 PC) |
Economy Class (except direct/connecting flights to/from Beijing, connecting to/from the USA, direct service Odesa – Istanbul / Istanbul – Odesa) | 1 piece of baggage (1 PC) | 2 pieces of baggage (2 PC) |
Economy Class on direct flights Kiev – New York and New York – Kiev | 1 piece of baggage (1 PC) | 2 pieces of baggage (2 PC) |
Economy Class on direct and connecting flights to/from Beijing, connecting flights to/from the USA, direct service Odesa – Istanbul / Istanbul – Odesa | 2 pieces of baggage (2 PC) | 3 pieces of baggage (3 PC) |
Premium Economy and Business Class | 2 pieces of baggage (2 PC) | 3 pieces of baggage (3 PC) |