Long Geng Airport (LGA) Malaysia Contact Details

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Long Geng Airport (LGA) Malaysia Contact Details

Long Geng Airports Call Centre Telephone: +60 7-599 4500

Long Geng Airport Code: LGA View location of Long Geng Airport: https://www.google.co.in/maps/search/long+geng+airport/@10.7828364,78.2885026,7z/data=!3m1!4b1

Lost & Foundhttp://www.klia.com.my/?m=lost_found&c=report

The Long Geng airport is a public airport located in Long Geng, Malaysia. The airport uses the ICAO code WBGE and is operated by Malaysia Airports Berhad.

Facilities at  Long Geng Airport (LGA)

Long Geng airport serves the Long Geng city, Belaga, and Sarawak.The airport is categorized in the small airports class based on its infrastructure and the air traffic.There are no scheduled flights in this airport and the airport mostly serves emergency services and private flights.