Kalitta Air office in Cologne, Germany Contact Address, Phone, Working hours
Address: Frachtzentrum Flughafen
Building 2, Room 257
D-51147 Cologne
Phone: +49 22 03 980 770
Fax: +49 22 03 980 7722
Email: cgn@airlogistics.de
Kalitta Air Head Office
Address: 818 Willow Run Airport
Ypsilanti, MI -48198
Toll Free: 1-800-521-1590
World Wide: 1-734-484-0088
Fax: 1-734-484-3640
Kalitta Air Official website: http://www.kalittaair.com/
List of Kalitta Air Offices worldwide
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Kalitta Air
Total fleet: 37
- Boeing 747-400BCF
- Boeing 747-400ERF
- Boeing 747-400F
- Boeing 767-300ER/BCF
- Boeing 767-300ER/BDSF
- Boeing 777F
- Boeing 777-300ER/SF
Queries handled by Kalitta Air Customer service:
Schedule, eBooking, Rescheduling, Track and Trace, Charter Service Queries, Trucking service Queries, e-claims Flight Information, Missing Luggage, Delayed Flights. Pharma, pets, valuable, perishable goods and extra care shipment queries.
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