IATA China & North Asia
IATA’s China and North Asia’s regional headquarters is situated in Beijing and serves as a central point for IATA’s member airlines in the region. The regional office also conducts government and industry affairs, promotes IATA’s business products and services, prepares analysis and forecasting of developments in response to local policies.
The regional office provides essential support services for the Northern Asia area which includes People’s Republic of China (PRC); Hong Kong (SAR), China; Macao (SAR) China; Chinese Taipei; State of Mongolia; and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Address: IATA Hong Kong, Unit 1505, 15th Floor, Sunlight Tower, No.248 Queen�s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong (SAR)
Working hours
IATA Customer Service number
For any queries or information for Airlines, Travel Agents, Cargo Agents (BSP, CASS, Accreditation), contact IATA customer care number.
IATA phone number for Travel and cargo agent: +86 10 8571 9909
IATA phone number for airlines: +86 10 8571 9910
IATA website: http://www.iata.org/Pages/default.aspx
IATA Dangerous Goods hotline
For any information concerning the shipment of dangerous goods, please contact
IATA cargo Website: http://www.iata.org/cargo
IATA Dangerous Goods Hotline: 1-514-390-6770
Email: dangood@iata.org.
About IATA
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines.
IATA has 54 offices in 53 countries. It represents some 280 airlines from 120 countries. Flights by IATA members represents 83% of total traffic (RTK: Revenue Tonne Kilometers).
The IATA regional pages are your access to regional information, such as industry issues, safety and security, agency programs and regional planning, regulatory public policies, and more.
Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the IATA Office Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR, China Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.