Aircalin Societe, also known as Air Caledonie International, is a French airline and is the international airline of New Caledonia. It also operates domestic services in Wallis and Futuna. Including Wallis and Futuna, it operates scheduled services to twelve destinations in Oceania and Asia, including Japan. The Aircalin company commenced operations in 1983.
- Aircalin Shanghai, China Address: 12H Zhaofong Universe Building, 1800 West Zhongshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai
- Aircalin Shanghai Reservation Phone number:
(8621) 6440 0032 - Aircalin Shanghai Reservation Fax: (8621) 6440 0038
- Aircalin Shanghai Cargo Fax: Email:
- Aircalin Official website:
- Aircalin Online Check-in: check-in
- Note: Web Check-in from 30 hours before the departure time of your flight.
- Check Aircalin schedule here: schedule
- Check Aircalin flight status here: status
Aircalin Baggage Allowance
View Aircalin Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.
Travel during pregnant in AirCalin
Expectant mothers can travel in Aircalin upto eight months of their pregnancy if there is not any complications. From the ninth month, a medical certificate is required to travel.
Download the Aircalin Medical form from the below link
Aircalin Medical Form
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Aircalin
Total fleet: 6
Airbus A310
- Airbus A310-300
Airbus A320
- Airbus A320-200
Airbus A330
- Airbus A330-200
Boeing 737
- Boeing 737-300
Boeing 767
- Boeing 767-300
Queries handled by Aircalin Customer care:
- Flight Ticket Booking
- Ticket Cancellation
- Flight Ticket Rescheduling
- Ok to Board
- Visa Services
- Online Check-in
- Baggage Allowance
- Duty Free Allowance
- Flight Information
- Airport Lounges
- Visa Information
- In-Flight Meals
- Airport Transfers
- Missing Luggage
- Immigration Services
- Valet Parking
- Meet and Greet
- Flight Wifi
- Airport Wifi
- In-Flight Entertainment
- Airport Facilities
- Delayed Flights
- Visa on Arrival
- First Class
- Business Class
- Economy Class
- Flying Blue (Aircalin Frequent flyer)
Is there any problem / complaint with reaching the Aircalin Shanghai, China Address or Phone number? Please report any issues using the below comment form.