Air Tahiti Nui Excess Baggage

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Call Travel Agent: +1-844-780-1718
FromToOrigin Country of the journey (ticket)Baggage AllowanceCurrencyOverweight 23-32 Kg
(For Economy pax only)
2nd piece*
(pax with 1 piece allowance)
3rd piece and more **
(max weight 23 kg for economy & business pax)
Oversized (if > 158 cm)
FRENCH POLYNESIANew ZealandAll1 x 23 KgXPF4 5004 5009 0009 000
AustraliaAll1 x 23 Kg7 0007 00014 00014 000
JapanAll1 x 23 Kg9 0009 00018 00018 000
France, all other destinationsAll1 x 23 Kg12 00012 00024 00024 000
USA and v.vAll (except USA)1 x 23 Kg7 0007 00014 00014 000
FRANCEJapanAll1 x 23 KgEUR7575150150
All other destinationsAll1 x 23 Kg100100200200
USA, AmericasAll (except USA)1 x 23 Kg7575150150
NEW ZEALANDFrench Polynesia, AustraliaAll1 x 23 KgNZD7070140140
All other destinationsAll1 x 23 Kg180180360360
USA, AmericasAll (except USA)1 x 23 Kg7070140140
AUSTRALIANew ZealandAll1 x 23 KgAUD5050100100
French PolynesiaAll1 x 23 Kg7575150150
All other destinationsAll1 x 23 Kg150150300300
USA, Americas, AsiaAll (except USA)1 x 23 Kg100100200200
JAPANFrench Polynesia, Asia-PacificAll1 x 23 KgJPY9 0009 00018 00018 000
France, Europe, Africa, Middle-EastAll1 x 23 Kg9 0009 00018 00018 000
USAAll (except USA)1 x 23 Kg12 00012 00024 00024 000
The Grid below aplies if the origin of tickets is USA
USANew Zealand, Australia and V.VUSA1 x 23 KgUSD7575150150
France, French Polynesia and V.VUSA1 x 23 Kg7575150150
Japan and V.VUSA1 x 23 Kg100100200200

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Air Tahiti Nui Hand | Cabin Baggage

Air Tahiti Nui Checked Baggage