Aero Mongolia Airlines in Seoul, Korea

Flight Queries? Call an Expert

Call Travel Agent: +1-844-780-1718
  • Aero Mongolia Airlines Address: Doosan The Land Park B,1206ho, 161-8 Magokjungang-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul,korea
  • Aero Mongolia Airlines Phone: 82 2-2039-7728, 82 10-8584-7220
  • Email:
  • Aero Mongolia Airlines Official website:

Aero Mongolia Airlines Baggage Allowance

View Aero Mongolia Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.

Travelling while pregnant in Aero Mongolia Airlines

Pregnancy rules in Aero Mongolia Airlines :

Pregnant mother can travel until thedue to give birth within 28-15 days, please bring your doctors note with the following information.

  • Date of travel approved by the doctor.
  • When due to give birth
  • Any suggestions during the flight

Pregnant woman with less than 15 days remaining of birth delivery is not allowed to board.

Near by Aero Mongolia Airlines office :

View the nearest Aero Mongolia Airlines offices and the address, phone number, website and more.

List of Aero Mongolia Airlines Offices around the world

View the Aero Mongolia Airlines offices address, phone number, email through the above link.