- Aircalin Toronto, Canada Address:
5915 Airport Raod, Suite 830 Mississauga, ON Canada L4V1T1 - Aircalin Toronto Reservation Phone number:
877-779-7020 - Aircalin Toronto Cargo Phone number:
- Aircalin Toronto Reservation Fax: +(1 416) 972 0185
- Aircalin Toronto Cargo Fax: Email: aircalin@aviaworldna.com
- Aircalin Official website: https://di.aircalin.com/en
- Aircalin Online Check-in: www.aircalin.com/online check-in
- Note: Web Check-in from 30 hours before the departure time of your flight.
- Check Aircalin schedule here: www.aircalin.com/flight schedule
- Check Aircalin flight status here: www.aircalin.com/flight status
Aircalin Baggage Allowance
View Aircalin Hand | Cabin baggage, Checked baggage, Excess baggage charges, over weight baggage charges, over size baggage charges in the above link.
Travel during pregnant in AirCalin
Expectant mothers can travel in Aircalin upto eight months of their pregnancy if there is not any complications. From the ninth month, a medical certificate is required to travel.
Download the Aircalin Medical form from the below link
Aircalin Medical Form
Types of Planes / Air craft available with Aircalin
Total fleet: 6
Airbus A310
- Airbus A310-300
Airbus A320
- Airbus A320-200
Airbus A330
- Airbus A330-200
Boeing 737
- Boeing 737-300
Boeing 767
- Boeing 767-300