Long Lellang Airports Call Centre
Address: Peti Surat 851
98008 Miri
Sarawak, Malaysia. Telephone: +608 561 5205 Fax: +608 561 4537
Long Lellang Airport Code: LGL
Website: http://www.klia.com.my/index.php?m=business&c=business_about&id=28 View location of Long Lellang Airport: https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/Long+Lellang+Airport/@3.4215603,115.1504275,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x321989af52a1c63d:0x4fc9a040eca5b988!8m2!3d3.4215603!4d115.1526162
Lost & Found: http://www.klia.com.my/?m=lost_found&c=report
Long Lellang STOLport serves the rural area of Long Lellang in Sarawak. The STOLport serves Malaysia Airlines’ MASwings, whichflies to Miri and Marudi twice a week.